NIKE LunarGlide+4 “Dust In The Wind”

The billboard work I prepared for the Nike LUNARGLIDE+4 product. Considering the product features, I tried to reflect its extremely comfortable and fast structure.

Billboard : 510 x 240 cm
Format: Outdoor

SOBIESKI® VODKA “Bruce Willis”

The work of Bruce Willis, who is the advertising face of Sobieski® Vodka, which works under the Medcorp Trading company, was adapted and published for advertising spots in billboards, megaboards and lightbox areas.

Outdoor Lightbox : 1950 x 1350 mm
Billboard : 510 x 240 cm
Megaboard : 960 x 820 cm
Format: Outdoor

BIRCH Counseling

Upon the request of Birch Counseling company, we prepared a promotional brochure and completed its printing.

Dimension : 29.7 x 63 cm
Format: CMYK
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